Saturday, September 22, 2018

Prayer Report: Lord's Day 24 and 25

The past two weeks have been full of milestones and big events. Andrew passed Day 50 of 100 Days of transplant September 13. He received his results from the bone marrow test from the week before. He is doing well and he received a good report. His new bone marrow has engrafted significantly and is functioning well so far. His engraftment has reached 97% and no signs at this point of not reaching the 100% mark in the future. However,  this is a matter of ongoing prayer because a BMT is not a game of horseshoes so 99% isn't good enough. He was at 96% when he left the hospital so he is moving up! He is beginning to work daily on his school work. His stamina is his greatest challenge these days. He feels well most of the time but the smallest amount of activity is exhausting for him. He received the good news that on November 2 he will be able to get out again. Lord willing we will be able to go eat lunch at Waffle House and go watch the Leake Rebels play in the second round of the playoffs.
The past two weeks have had many bright spots. Andrew was able to talk his sappy nurses and doctors into letting him escort Mabry Mayfield for the Leake Academy homecoming Rally. He was excited to be able to participate somewhat in a normal school event. He had to wait in the car till everyone was in the gym so that we could walk him in without being around everyone. He was exhausted after it was all over but loved every minute of it. We made most of the last home game for the Jr. High football game. He was able to see some of his best buddies through the fence.

The Lord has been very good to us throughout this entire trial. Robin and I look at each other sometimes and really have no idea how we have all made it through another week. Nothing is normal. We can not do a single routine weekly activity without having to make adjustments or accommodations that we never even considered would become an issue. Yet,  we remind ourselves that these "sufferings and head aches" are genuinely the blessing of Andrew still being alive and our family still being together. We press on by grace in the name of Christ striving to persevere to the glory of His name.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Prayer Report: Lord's Day 22 and 23

I apologize for missing our prayer report last week. I know that many who follow Andrew have access to the reports from other social media outlets but not all of his prayer warriors are connected to social media so I deeply regret missing the report. Andrew is doing well. Andrew was released from the hospital on Friday August 24. The original plan was for Andrew and Robin to stay in Jackson at a hotel suite arranged by the cancer clinic. That lasted about 24 hours before they were ready to just come on home. Sunday afternoon the 26th they came on home. His blood tests have been good and the doctors are pleased with his progress. He is exhausted and weak most of the time but he feels well otherwise. He has been back to the Cancer Clinic four times so far. He is no longer taking treatments but he does have to receive various medicines or supplements as a regular part of the process. He takes so many different types of medicines at this stage that you can easily imagine all of the side effects and interactions they are monitoring. The clinic trips have most often taken the whole day and because of his condition at this point they have to stay separated off from everyone in a clinic room. This past Thursday he had procedures for a bone marrow test and a skin biopsy to test for graft host disease. We will be waiting for the results of these tests over the next week. He is approaching the 50 day mark of transplant so he is about half way through his 100 days. We ask for your perseverance in prayer for Andrew and the family. He is not out of the woods yet. Although he is doing well and we are able to legitimately breathe a little easier than we were the first 30 days,  he could still face many complications and some of them could potentially be very critical. His spirits are ok. They are not as up and bright as we are use to seeing from Andrew. He knows and feels how much of life he is missing right now. In our little world of Madden, MS and Leake Academy the 7th grade is a major life transition and a right of passage. Missing out stings this time.  He has been able to watch some of his friends play football from afar. He has his first real jersey. But he is truly isolated. He and Robin both.
We are so thankful for the prayers and support. Our churches (Carolina and Carthage Presbyterian) have been so understanding. Leake Academy from the staff, students, and parents have been so patient and supportive of each of us with our own set of challenges from me as a parent and teacher as well as the girls as students and sisters. Pray that we will be able to finish strong. That our faith will not whither in the heat of the storm.   That our weariness will not turn into slack or apathy. That we will all be sources of daily gospel light for the grace and mercy of Christ within us. That we will not waste the opportunities of service that God has given to us during this season for Andrew.

We do hope to return to our regular Reports, Letters to Andrew,  Dispatches from Andrew, and Robin's Journal this week. We have been swamped with the burdens and pressures of trying to readjust into life at home with all of us together. The sun still rises and sets everyday regardless of the trials you are facing. Life is far from a regular routine at this point. Nonetheless, he is home and he is doing well. When he entered the hospital for his transplant the reality of him not seeing Madden, MS again was real. We praise God from Whom All blessings flow!