Saturday, September 22, 2018

Prayer Report: Lord's Day 24 and 25

The past two weeks have been full of milestones and big events. Andrew passed Day 50 of 100 Days of transplant September 13. He received his results from the bone marrow test from the week before. He is doing well and he received a good report. His new bone marrow has engrafted significantly and is functioning well so far. His engraftment has reached 97% and no signs at this point of not reaching the 100% mark in the future. However,  this is a matter of ongoing prayer because a BMT is not a game of horseshoes so 99% isn't good enough. He was at 96% when he left the hospital so he is moving up! He is beginning to work daily on his school work. His stamina is his greatest challenge these days. He feels well most of the time but the smallest amount of activity is exhausting for him. He received the good news that on November 2 he will be able to get out again. Lord willing we will be able to go eat lunch at Waffle House and go watch the Leake Rebels play in the second round of the playoffs.
The past two weeks have had many bright spots. Andrew was able to talk his sappy nurses and doctors into letting him escort Mabry Mayfield for the Leake Academy homecoming Rally. He was excited to be able to participate somewhat in a normal school event. He had to wait in the car till everyone was in the gym so that we could walk him in without being around everyone. He was exhausted after it was all over but loved every minute of it. We made most of the last home game for the Jr. High football game. He was able to see some of his best buddies through the fence.

The Lord has been very good to us throughout this entire trial. Robin and I look at each other sometimes and really have no idea how we have all made it through another week. Nothing is normal. We can not do a single routine weekly activity without having to make adjustments or accommodations that we never even considered would become an issue. Yet,  we remind ourselves that these "sufferings and head aches" are genuinely the blessing of Andrew still being alive and our family still being together. We press on by grace in the name of Christ striving to persevere to the glory of His name.

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