Saturday, January 26, 2019

Prayer Report: Day 183 Transplant

Bottom of the 9th!
100% is the only statistic that matters. Andrew's survival is either 100% or it is not. So 100% is the only stat that matters.
We found out last evening that Andrew has a severe case of interstitial pneumonia. It is a particular type of pneumonia that strikes transplant patients and those with autoimmune diseases. It spreads within the lung tissue and requires a CT to detect. Andrew's right lung is in awful condition. It looks like a shattered or frost covered windshield. It would be worse if this was the caner in his lungs but this is not particularly better. There is a last ditch -kitchen sink throwing- medicine they are giving him. If this disease has stopped growing then there might be chance it could work.

Since June 2, 2014 I have intentional been straight with everyone. Transparent so you can pray. Transparent as a testimony to the sovereign and purposeful goodness of God's providence in our all of lives. Sufferings and trials are not a plan B to avoid but the perfect purpose of God for us to know him, glorify him, and be used by Him for the Praise of Christ, the cause of Christ, and the good of Christ's people. God's Got This! never means there will be no suffering or death. God's Got This! means there is a Cross of Glory that displays the utter horror and destruction of sin and the endless power, love, and grace of God. God's Got This! means that longevity in a sinful world is never the goal nor is it the best of blessings but only a longer opportunity to serve and press on toward the goal of an eternal glory with Christ our Lord. Praise God from Whom All blessings flow that our God has not left us in our sin but has from all eternity purposed to save his people by sending a redeemer who has and will conquer all the destruction and corruption of sin. Thereby, declaring us righteous in Christ, making us his very own dear children, and making us more and more holy in heart and conduct. Thus, preparing us for that day when in glory Christ shall burst forth is ALL victory with a New Heaven and Earth and we shall dwell forever with him face to face. Glory! Glory! He is Alive!
So, until that day is a day of fighting for Andrew. He does not stand much of a chance of winning this final round. His body and lungs particularly are so beaten and broken from the war he has already raged. But the fight isn't over. We can't say that we will ever see him awake in this life again. But he is still fighting. What his voice can't say to us the monitors reveal.

He is still fighting.
But it's the bottom of the 9th with 2 outs and a full count of tied ball game with the Andrew at the plate facing the most dominant closing pitcher he has faced in his entire battle against leukemia. Only 100% at this bat will do. So, Cheer. Pray. and Pray some more. The ChemoWarrior is at the plate!

In Christ,

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