Thursday, January 31, 2019

Prayer Report: Day 188 Transplant and Day 8 ICU

January 31, 2019
It’s the Top of 12th Inning:
Andrew had a great day yesterday as we reported and the results of all the tests and observations from yesterday are complete and they all confirm that he had a good day. We are excited about the progress and emotionally the opportunity to see his eyes and to communicate with him is indescribable. However, we must stress how little these steps are from a clinical stand point and he has a long way to go. His lungs are severely diseased and compromised. Healing will take a long time and the extent of his recovery will be something that only time will tell. So, today will be another day of small changes and goals. They are continuing to tweak his breathing machine levels as they move him to breathing more and more on his own. So small steps yet huge progress.
If you’re like us, then you may be starting to ask yourself, “just how bad off was he” on Sat. Well, if you know me, then you know I asked that question myself. The short answer is that Friday into Saturday was even more dangerous than we could realize without being doctors ourselves. Andrew barely made it. Gumby really did save the day.

Game Report:
Bob Uecker here sports fans. I have a special guest today. Longtime Cardinals announcer and fan, Jack Buck. Welcome Jack. Thanks for letting me join you Bob. I just had get back to do my part and hopefully be able to end this broadcast with, “that’s a winner!” Plus, this historic effort by Team Andrew and Big Andrew himself may be even more dramatic than calling Kirk Gibson’s one armed game winning home run in the 88 World Series! In fact, I know this is the most dramatic MLB game I have seen. That courageous steal by Andrew in the 9th sums it all up. But I am still amazed that he scooped that bullet out of the dirt in the 7th and cut the runner out at home. That defensive play by Big Andrew is what’ve we come to expect form him on first but it was still amazing even for him.

Well, we rejoin the game in the Top of 11th. Commercial considerations prevented us from preempting the daily soap operas but we are back in action. The Cardinals left Big Andrew on second in the bottom of the ninth. They left two men on base in the 10th. They have been knocking on the door in every inning but just haven’t been able to get that game winning score. But, they are wearing down the Pneumonia Yankee’s pitching staff. They’re running the pitch counts up with every batter and draining the bullpen each inning as well. It will have to pay off eventually. That’s right Bob. The Cardinals are grinding it out.

The story for the moment is now the pitching performance of Wall-E. Wow, the stamina and command he has shown. Closers are special but notoriously weak when it comes to stamina and command. All speed and power. Little Control. But Wall-E has been a steady nightmare ever since they called him in back in the 7th.

You know Bob, he’s the overlooked player for the Cardinals. He’s just steady. Gets out there and does his job. People really take him for granted. The Yankees are getting a taste of what other teams experienced when Mariano “The Sandman” Rivera would step on the mound. He has struck out every player and has only thrown four balls up to this point. That’s right Jack. And he’s doing it with command and intimidation. He looks as imposing as Bruce Sutter did in his prime. Wall-E has always been efficient. All business. Look at that Jack. He’s standing on the rubber bouncing the ball with disgust as he’s waiting on the Umpire. He is locked in. Wow, a fast ball for out #one. Incredible. Out number two. Three Cutters! Three straight cutters. He is dialed in Bob! I bet he can’t even hear the crowd he is so in the ZONE! Now, The Yankees acquired Big Papi late in the year and he is now up. You can cut the tension with a knife. We all know of his October magic. Let’s see if he has it in January. Another cutter for strike 1. A split finger for strike 2. What will Wall-E do for this pitch. Big Papi will be looking for that notorious fastball. He got him with a Change Up!! He got him with a Change Up for Strike 3! Is there a pitch that Wall-E can’t throw, Jack? Bob, I haven’t seen one. He just dropped his velocity from 100 all the way down to 70! No, Jack. The gun says he dropped all the way down to 60! Incredible. That’s just unheard of for a closer.

Well Bob, there is a lot of talk of this being Big Andrew’s last game. He may have to retire from baseball after this season. His lung damage may prevent him from continuing in the game. The players all know it. Joe is reporting that in the 7th Wall-E told the manager, “Give me the Ball! Big Andrew ain’t going out like this!"
We’ll be back after the break!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Prayer Report: Day 187 Transplant

Jan. 30, 2019
A Productive Weather Delay:
Andrew’s fever was controlled pretty easily and they took all the measures to remove any possible source of infection. He is handling all of the changes in meds and the slow process of removing and turning down the machines. He is taking some good steps now in the right directions. Overall, he is holding steady. He still has to maintain some significant advances and prove himself before we can get excited. So, the operative phrase again is not “too excited” about any of this yet but definitely joyous and overjoyed because WE HAVE SEEN OUR BABY’S EYES AGAIN! Yes, I buried the lead. They have taken him off the paralytic drugs and are tweaking his sedation ever so slightly so he briefly tried to wake up and he was able to communicate with us through nodding. He attempted to squeeze Robin’s hand and opened his eyes twice. One time pretty significantly. He probably won’t remember any of this but I promise you that we will.

Game Report:
Bob Uecker back here with you sports fans! We are still in a weather delay. Not sure why because the sun is out. They say it’s a Mississippi thing. Two days to recover from a massive snow storm. Regardless, it may turn out to be the best thing for the Team Andrew Cardinals. Andrew has been receiving some extensive work from the trainers and team medical staff. Big Andrew has played in every game for four seasons in spite of some extensive injuries and battling Leukemia. His Agents credit the medical staff and Andrew’s trust and loyalty to them is only matched by their dedication to him. I think we have a dugout report from down below. Let’s see who is working on Big Andrew.

Yes, Bob, this is Joe Buck. Team Andrew has called in one of their staff to see if she can’t get Andrew through this game. After that big steal for second base he appears to be suffering from some respiratory difficulty. Andrew’s battle with Leukemia is well known but most fans are not aware that Andrew has suffered his entire life from complications from a severe case of RSV when he was an infant. The team reports that it can be very discouraging for him when he has an attack. When he has an attack they call in Tiffany. She has been with him from his first day of leukemia. She was the one who helped explain all the medical treatments they were giving him and all about leukemia. The reports are that she thinks like an 8 year old. The stories about Tiffany are legendary. They say she is nut and nobody understands how she survives life let alone tend to professional baseball players. But next to his nurse MS. Elaine the Agents turn to Tiffany for Andrew’s encouragement. It looks like she has given him a water gun and he is shooting his manager? Not sure how thats helpful Bob. Wait. I’m getting an explanation. Tiffany said that the water guns are for therapeutic target practice. There is extensive research that reveals the benefits. They say Andrew regains his focus through this therapy. Hopefully for Team Andrew this will get him back on the field. I need to go Bob. I am hearing reports of some kind of snake in the dugout! Not sure how a snake would get in here.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Prayer Report: Day 186 Transplant

Weather Delay! Jan. 29, 2019

Andrew had a great night and progress for the day. 
Sorry for the delay on the report today. The daily routine takes us up to around 12 or 1pm before we have seen all of Andrew's doctors. So, unless there is some kind of drastic crisis we won't be doing daily reports till the afternoon.
Last night went well for Andrew and his X-rays showed no change. He didn't have any overnight set backs and they are slowly dialing back on the work that the machines are doing for him. It's going to be a slow process so we basically are praying for a few days of no changes. No changes would mean that he is handling the process of coming off the machines. The most important report at this point is to say that he is still alive and that the doctors are pleased with the progress.
HOWEVER, as I type this report I am receiving word that he might be having a set back. Too early to tell. But Andrew has started to fun a fever. It was at 100.2 but has climbed to 100.4. They have begun a battery of test looking for the source. So let us pray that this is a simple issue and not a genuine set back.

For those interested

Game Recap:

Bob Uecker here Sports fans. We have a heck of a winter league game underway here between the Team Andrew Cardinals and Pneumonia Yankees. We are in a weather delay due to a temporary wintery blast that has shut down the State. We are hoping the field crew can get their equipment across the parking lot in order to clear the field. But until then, we have Andrew on second after an amazing steal. So, he is in scoring position and it is still the bottom of the 9th with 2 outs. A tied ballgame.

We need to talk about that amazing play by Gumby in the top of the 9th out in center field. The ground he had to cover in order snag that ball before going over the fence for a home run. If it hadn't of been for the effort of Gumby this ball game would probably be over for that would have been a 3 run shot. Team Andrew might not have recovered from that deficit.

For long time Cardinals fans they can't help but think back to Willie McGee and his amazing post season play in Centerfield. His 1982 WS home run stealing catch in Game 3 is what legends are made of. All heart, guts, and effort.

Hey Bob, Jack Cristil here, if you haven't seen him play yet you have got to check out the center fielder Jake Mangum at Mississippi State. Like McGee, the game changes when he is on the field. His heart and guts make it always possible to Wrap it in "Maroon and White" no matter how far behind the Bull Dawgs are in the 9th inning. He's the kind of player that opposing Managers hate but would break the bank account to sign for their own club. And, that is exactly the kind of player Andrew is on the field. Don't be surprised to see him score for the win!!

Hopefully, we can resume play shortly. I trust you found Bob Uecker's Game Delay report. Until then, Keep praying and cheering.

In Christ,

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Prayer Report: Day 183 Transplant

Bottom of the 9th!
100% is the only statistic that matters. Andrew's survival is either 100% or it is not. So 100% is the only stat that matters.
We found out last evening that Andrew has a severe case of interstitial pneumonia. It is a particular type of pneumonia that strikes transplant patients and those with autoimmune diseases. It spreads within the lung tissue and requires a CT to detect. Andrew's right lung is in awful condition. It looks like a shattered or frost covered windshield. It would be worse if this was the caner in his lungs but this is not particularly better. There is a last ditch -kitchen sink throwing- medicine they are giving him. If this disease has stopped growing then there might be chance it could work.

Since June 2, 2014 I have intentional been straight with everyone. Transparent so you can pray. Transparent as a testimony to the sovereign and purposeful goodness of God's providence in our all of lives. Sufferings and trials are not a plan B to avoid but the perfect purpose of God for us to know him, glorify him, and be used by Him for the Praise of Christ, the cause of Christ, and the good of Christ's people. God's Got This! never means there will be no suffering or death. God's Got This! means there is a Cross of Glory that displays the utter horror and destruction of sin and the endless power, love, and grace of God. God's Got This! means that longevity in a sinful world is never the goal nor is it the best of blessings but only a longer opportunity to serve and press on toward the goal of an eternal glory with Christ our Lord. Praise God from Whom All blessings flow that our God has not left us in our sin but has from all eternity purposed to save his people by sending a redeemer who has and will conquer all the destruction and corruption of sin. Thereby, declaring us righteous in Christ, making us his very own dear children, and making us more and more holy in heart and conduct. Thus, preparing us for that day when in glory Christ shall burst forth is ALL victory with a New Heaven and Earth and we shall dwell forever with him face to face. Glory! Glory! He is Alive!
So, until that day is a day of fighting for Andrew. He does not stand much of a chance of winning this final round. His body and lungs particularly are so beaten and broken from the war he has already raged. But the fight isn't over. We can't say that we will ever see him awake in this life again. But he is still fighting. What his voice can't say to us the monitors reveal.

He is still fighting.
But it's the bottom of the 9th with 2 outs and a full count of tied ball game with the Andrew at the plate facing the most dominant closing pitcher he has faced in his entire battle against leukemia. Only 100% at this bat will do. So, Cheer. Pray. and Pray some more. The ChemoWarrior is at the plate!

In Christ,