Saturday, August 11, 2018

Prayer Report: Lord's Day 19

   This Lord's Day will mark day 18 of transplant. All of Andrew's doctors are very pleased with how he is progressing. His counts are starting to build up slowly. His lungs appear to be healing up and so far he doesn't have any signs of complications. The suffering Andrew is experiencing is easing up only slightly at times but he still has a time or two everyday where he has an extended period of coughing which is excruciating for him.  The other times of the day he is primarily resting and he feels like he has a bad case of the flu. The suffering he is experiencing is from the mouth and throat sores. The best description we have been given to this point is that the skin of his throat and other places is essential shedding or peeling. He has moments when he can't even talk because of the pain. He is spitting up bloody mucous and filling up multiple containers a day. However, the pattern and tests seem to confirm the belief that the blood is primarily from the sores and his low platelet count.
     He is tired of it all as you can imagine. However, his spirits are still up. He gave his nurse a special gift of an electric shock pen. I still can't believe she fell for it. She shrieked at the top of her voice. This is not the first time she has been his victim so you would think she (all of them) would learn. He is just like his mother. He is looking forward to having a visit to the EMS Helipad once he is able to get out.
     He has a few more weeks before this first phase is over, Lord willing. He and Robin are weary but being kept and sustained. The prayer needs at this point are essential the same as they have been.

1) Bone Marrow to produce effectively in a safe manner and relieve Andrew from these sores.
2) Andrew's spirits will remain high as his suffering goes from hours, to days, and onto weeks.
3) Prayer for his mother as she struggles with me taking care of our home and her babies.
4) The girls as they are effectively being raised by a single parent dad.
5) Andrew's protection from the various fatal conditions that could arise in the coming weeks as the bone marrow does start to produce.
6) The Spiritual vitality of our home and the continual renewal of our faith and love for Christ. That we (parents and children) will grow in our hunger for and pursuit of holiness.

In Christ,

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