Saturday, August 18, 2018

Prayer Report: Lord's Day 20

This week has been very draining yet positive. Andrew is finally trying to turn the corner on his road to recovery. His new Bone Marrow is developing very well. His counts are better than they have been since he was diagnosed. His doctors and nurses are very pleased with how he is progressing. He is approaching his first benchmark which is the 30 day mark. His doctors are now starting to discuss what steps need to be accomplished in order for him to come home. He is still struggling with the sores in his mouth and the pneumonia is naggingly hanging on. But, he is getting better on both fronts. He has gotten out of his room to walk laps for the first time in awhile. He hasn't been able to easily drink or eat yet but has started to drink some shakes and he has been taking his medicine by mouth. He is taking less pain medicine and using less oxygen. He still gets very tired and the pain does catch up to him a few times a day. Coughing causes significant pain and he coughs a lot due to his pneumonia.
Prayer Points:
The sores will get better so he can eat.
Pneumonia will clear up
He can come home
Bone Marrow will continue grafting.

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