Saturday, August 4, 2018

Prayer Report: Lord's Day 18

     It is Saturday August 4 and tomorrow is the Lord's Day and it will  the 18th Lord's Day since Andrew's relapse and Day 11 of his bone marrow transplant. Wr shared last week about his increased suffering due to the normal development of mouth and throat sores from the transplant process. His suffering eventually subsided a little bit and he did become a little more restful but he is still suffering and unable to eat or drink. The Dr is very pleased with his progress and overall condition. He is still in the stage of sickness as he awaits for his new marrow to begin producing. He has been confined this week basically to his room due to contracting the common cold.  He is able to get out if he's willing to put on all of the hazardous material gear (that's my name for it) which he absolutely despises. So, he is only getting out with the physical therapist to do some walking. He has had to receive various blood products almost everyday and most of the time he is basically just miserable. However, we do want to stress that so far he is only experiencing normal and expected difficulties.
     He has also had a week of heartache and the reminder of sober realities. We lost two 3C patients this week. One was a now longtime friend of Andrew's. He was a fellow leukemia patient who had relapsed around the time that Andrew was diagnosed. He was an older teenager who taught Andrew the ropes of being a leukemia patient on 3C. The other was an older girl who Andrew only really knew through our relationship with her and her parents but they had spent many appointments in the Clinic and a few weeks on the floor together. Andrew has lost more than his share of friends these past four years. But not since Campbell Dale has he lost someone as close as Freddie was to him. And yes, he is old enough for it to be a direct reminder to him that he may not live himself. And why do I talk so much about the 3C life? Because it wasn't until a visit from his 3C nurse Ms. Elaine that night that he was able to calm down and finally be at rest and comforted.

Prayer Points:
1) Bone Marrow to produce effectively in a safe manner and relieve Andrew from these sores.
2) Andrew's spirits will remain high as his suffering goes from hours, to days, and onto weeks.
3) Prayer for his mother as she struggles with me taking care of our home and her babies.
4) The girls as they are effectively being raised by a single parent dad.
5) The First Day of school and the great possibility that Robin will not be able to be there for the girls and for Julia on her last first day of high school. Taking the first day of school picture is one of Robin's greatest joys. For those unaware, I teach at the school and this is the biggest reason for difficulty. His condition at this stage doesn't allow for others to be able to easily watch him for us and his condition at that time may not allow her to be able to be away.
6) Andrew's protection from the various fatal conditions that could arise in the coming weeks as the bone marrow does start to produce.
7) The Spiritual vitality of our home and the continual renewal of our faith and love for Christ. That we (parents and children) will grow in our hunger for and pursuit of holiness.

     Robin posted this old picture from a Lord's Day past. Oh, the wonderful and matchless joy of the Lord's Day!
     Leukemia (any great trial) touches every aspect of life. There is not one part of our family's  routine or yearly traditions that is not being altered or even sullied by this battle. The daily grind is weary. We do not experience a single moment of everyday in which our lives are not being impacted. We can't even enjoy our pets because of the burden of caring for them. It only takes one minor failure or change of plan to occur for the stress of everyday to be exasperated significantly. Yet, the Lord's grace proves sufficient. Nonetheless, the battle rages. I am truly grateful to hear people express encouragement from our faith. But it also pierces my soul because I know how the sinful attitudes and desires do still rage. How quick an out burst of wrath can be kindled. How easily an attitude of disdain toward others can be nursed. And how abundantly clear that sinful weaknesses still reside in this jar of clay. And NO! These are not excusable nor acceptable because of a trial. So, pray for our spiritual vitality and protection. And may we all have the simple desire that Andrew expressed this week when he asked, "can I have one of the bibles like your bible class uses? Can you bring it to me today?"

In Christ,

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