Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Letters to Andrew: "Ms. Elaine"

Dear Andrew,

She calls you her Baby! First, I need you to know that you aren’t her only baby. However, it is pretty amazing how she can make you feel like you are her only baby. After all of these years, she has been the one constant for you throughout every challenge. You wanted to give her a heart pendant for Christmas 2018. We got her one for you and I wrote this Daisy Award thank you letter for you. Here it is for you to read:

Dear Ms. Elaine,
Please accept this gift from Andrew and us as a small token of our incalculable gratefulness for all of the care you have given to Andrew and us since June 2, 2014. I am a man of many words most of the time as I make my living as a communicator. However, I remain seemingly at a constant loss for words when I try to adequately express our love and thankfulness for you.
You were Andrew’s were apart of Andrew's first nursing crew when he was diagnosed and you have been there every step of the way. Robin and I have reflected lately on how you have  just “so happened” to be scheduled for work during every major time of transition, procedure, or event during Andrew’s leukemia journey. When he relapsed this year it was on a Friday evening when he was admitted. Robin’s anxiety was increased when it crossed her mind the you would not be there because it was a Friday. We have praised God for his sweet providence often for having you in place for that special and critical moment. She cries every time we discuss that moment.  Andrew often jokes about how, “Ms. Elaine” will take care of me. But he also has occasion to say those words with the upmost seriousness and they are his source of great comfort.

I wish you could grasp how special and necessary your visit to Andrew on the day of Freddie’s death was for him. I know my son. He was heartbroken. But it was more than heartbreak. He was dealing head-on with a deep consciousness of his own potential death. Robin and I were with him and 3C nurses were visiting and all of that brought him great comfort. But he was not ok until you walked through that door! In the 41/2 years of treatment he has know anger, anxiety, and fear. But has never experienced the fear he had on that day and God used your presence to take it away. He was instantly ok and prepared to do battle again. He has never looked back. On that day, he just needed you!

We do miss you and think of you often. I told Andrew that I wanted to give you a special gift of jewelry but we couldn’t decide what to get. It was his idea that it should be something with a “shiny heart” for you. This is what we found and we hope this heart will always remind you of our inexpressible  for love you.

Thank you,
Team Andrew

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