Friday, February 1, 2019

Prayer Report: Day 189 Transplant- 9 ICU

A Must Win NL Wild-Card Game!
First, today’s report is a good report. Second, today’s report comes to terms with reality.
Andrew is still in Critical Condition but is far more stable than what he was this weekend. The doctor today is willing to cautiously say that he is “cautiously optimistic” about his condition. Andrew had a great day and night yesterday and this morning. He continued to meet the short term treatment goals and his body continues to handle the changes they are making each day. He has not had a real set back yet but having a set back install a real possibility. So, we are excited and pleased with this slow and methodical progress. He has begun physical and occupational therapy. Now, his therapist today is from Simpson Academy so we are watching her closely. But, the Canton Academy nurses on 3C have worked out well so we are optimistic. But rest assured, he has made sure they know he is a Leake Rebel!
However, the reality of his critical condition is becoming clearer as the immediate shock waves from this past week have begun to dissipate. We known for days about his multi-organ failure. The good news is that his condition on that front is better. The reality is that lungs especially but also his kidneys are still experiencing function failure. His progress is about to slow down as they intentional slow down the process for fear of moving too fast. His condition is still that fragile. Moving too fast or adjusting the treatments too far could backfire very quickly. He has an easy five more days on the breathing machine. He simply can not yet live on his own without Wall-E breathing for him. Respiratory Failure Don’t Play!
So, don’t be discouraged when the next few days do not bring forth many great changes. We do not expect them and there could be a few set backs before he finishes out the World Series.

Game Report:
Welcome back Sports Fans, Bob Uecker here and still with me is my good friend Jack Buck. Thanks Bob, I’m glad to be with you. What a game. That’s right, Jack. We have seen it all in the National League Wild-Card game. I wasn’t a fan of this new format but the I must admit that the drama and intensity of the sudden death format has all the magic of a game 7 world series finale. It sure does Bob, the players live for the challenge of a must win situation. The team that loses this game is out for the season. There is no tomorrow. Let’s see what the Team Andrew Cardinals can do in the bottom of the 12th.
Jack, I can’t believe my eyes. That is Big Andrew stepping to the plate. I know Bob, I can’t imagine how he can he walk to the plate let alone hit and run. Bob? Can you hear me Bob? Yes I can. Go ahead Joe. Thanks Bob, Joe Buck here in the dugout. You’re not going to believe this but Andrew getting being able to finish the game has something to do with that snake I mentioned during the weather delay. Evidently, the rest of Tiffany’s staff provided Big Andrew with a life like rubber snake. We knew about the “therapeutic” water and nerf guns but we were unaware the rubber snakes, cockroaches, and spiders. When the training staff (think of them as nurses) began to give give Andrew treatments he about gave one a heart attack. That’s what the commotion was during the break when all I hear was a loud shout of, “OH SNAP! Andrew!” It’s reported that had wrapped that snake around his shoes and he asked for her to get them for him. The team Dr. (Big G is what he calls her) believes that he laughed so hard at her that it cleared his lungs enough for him to stay in the game. Back to you Bob.
Jack, that there shows you the power of heart. Yep Bob, you can’t coach that and that is the difference between talent and leadership. There are plenty of guys with the skills to play the game but very few who can carry an entire team on their back. Especially when they can barely carry themselves with their own strength. Well Jack, Guess that’s also why his agents insist on having Big Andrew’s care team with at all games. I hear his agents are demanding. They expect more than mere competent effort from his physical trainers. They want the extra mile. Demand the extra mile. Yes, Bob. And around the city everyone knows that once a trainer earns his/her stripes and prove themselves to the agents and Big Andrew they will go the extra mile to support them as well.
Listen to this crowd at Bush Stadium as Big Andrew steps to the plate. Bob, I do not believe he is going to be able to finish this at bat.There is no way. He can barely stand or breathe. Here comes the pitch, strike 1! Jack, We are not looking at the Big Andrew of old. He is a shell of himself. Here comes the second pitch and it’s a swing and a miss. Strike 2! Oh no, Bob. Andrew looks like he is going down. I can’t believe they are leaving him in the game. Joe, can you give us a report. Yes, right now they are having to hold his mother back from going in to get him off of the field. Big G  says he’s got this and is telling the Manager to let Andrew decide cause it’s his fight. The Manager tried to call a timeout but Andrew put up his hand and said, “stop! I’ve got this. You can’t take this away from me now!” The trainer gave him his inhaler and he is now back at the plate. Back to you Bob. Well, here we go Jack. Let’s see what Andrew has in him.
Andrew is set in the box. The pitcher is shaking off the sign. Normally, the last thing you’d throw him is a fast ball in this situation but you have to think in his weakened condition that the Pneumonia Yankees believe that can sit him down with a heater. The pitcher is set, Here comes the pitch. It’s a fast ball. He swings. Look at that Bob! Look at that Bob! It’s going…going..going. GONE over the centerfield wall. “That’s a Winner” Cardinals fans. We will see you next week for the best of 5 National League Divisional Series!

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