Monday, February 4, 2019

Prayer Report: Day 192 Transplant and Day 12 ICU

Divisional Playoffs!
Prayer Report:
Andrew had a great weekend of recovery. His treatment plan remained uneventful. They are continuing daily to dial back all of the settings on the breathing machine and adjusting all of his medicines. Today has been primarily another day of tweaking the machines and waiting for his lungs to clear up well enough to start trying to get him back breathing on his own. He had some more tests and another Bronchial procedure. He is still in critical but stable condition. He is handling the times that he comes out of his sedation without any problems. He is communicating with us with appropriate responses to questions. Pray for him to remain in stable condition. He could still face some setbacks. Pray that his lungs will continue to clear and that he will be able to breathe on his own without any significant compromise.

Playoff Report:
Here we are folks, The 2019 NL Division Playoff Series between The Team Andrew Cardinals and the T-Cell Pirates. Today is Game 1 of the series. Jack Buck here Cardinals fans to call the game. Before we have the first pitch, we have to talk once again about the medical and training team for the Cardinals. The team is diverse and extensive. They have been with Big Andrew for the last four and half years. The Drs, Athletic Trainers, and Rehab specialists have been going the extra mile to get Andrew back in the game. That’s right Jack, Bob Uecker here, their dedication to keeping him in the game over the years is known throughout the league. However, the work to enable him to finish this season has been intense. The therapy over this past weekend as been constant and intensive. He’s been under 24hr a day monitoring as well as a constant rehab regimen. The medical staff is noticeably pleased with how far he has come over this brief period. Jack? Bob? Do y’all hear me? Yes Joe, go ahead. I’m down here in the dugout watching the team warm up. The staff is clearly pleased with Andrew’s progress. Hey guys, he’s coming out. Wow, listen to the crowd as they are getting their first sight of him since that walk off home run. He’s coming out onto the field guys. Well Jack, I still don’t see how he can compete in this Divisional series. I believe the doctors and the reports are that the agents have full confidence in their clearing him to play. But I’ve gotta say I just don’t see how he can play by the way he is walking around. You know Bob, it makes me wonder just how bad of condition he was in over the weekend. Yep Jack, it’s like eating rice cakes. Do what, Bob? Just follow me. I hear people talking about how good chocolate rice cakes are. To hear them tell it you’d think they could be served at a 5 Star restaurant. Like they are some kinda fine desert snack. But have you eaten one, Jack? Are you crazy Bob? Heck no! Keep it that away. I ate one today and all I could think was if that was better than an original, then just how nasty is an original rice cake? My stars! Eating that thing made me not want to eat for the rest of the day. And look at me Jack, I like to eat. So, like I said about Andrew if his condition is better, then I think we are now understanding just how bad his condition was in the first place. Well, I believe the Cardinals wouldn’t risk his health by letting him play if he wasn’t able to play.

Here we go, The Cardinals are coming to the plate. Here’s the call from the Umpire, “PLAY BALL!” Here comes the first pitch and it’s a …..

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