Sunday, February 10, 2019

Prayer Report: Day 198 Transplant and Day 18 PICU

February 10, 2019

The Smile is Back!

Andrew’s smile is back. In fact, I think he might have even flirted a little bit this morning with one of his nurses. Each day now could be the day he transfers out of PICU back up to the 5th floor Bone Marrow Unit.

I find it hard to report on his condition right now because he is genuinely doing better and he is stable. But he is not ok yet either. He is going through the process of recovering from 14 days of essentially a medically induced comma with significant amounts of high power sedation. For most of that time he was also under muscle paralytics in order to keep him still. He has been suffering form delirium and also withdrawal  symptoms. He is proudly weak. He can not move his legs or arms in any significant way.  He was finally able to actually lift his head up and hold it straight with his own strength yesterday. He still can’t lift his arms nor himself up from the bed. To sit on the side of the bed the therapist have to hold him up. The road of recovery is going to be a different type of battle than he has yet to experience. But #ChemoWarriors Keep Grindin. Therefore, the report is that he is stable, doing better and getting better but not yet ok.

But today, he is smiling again!

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