Saturday, July 7, 2018

Prayer Report: Lord's Day 14

This coming Sunday, July 8, will mark the 14th Lord's Day of Andrew's relapse. He had experienced 23 Lord's Days in recovery after fighting for 177 Lord's Days through initial diagnosis and treatment. He has been battling Leukemia since June 2, 2014. We count it by Lord's Days for various reasons ranging from practical as well as spiritual. This week he completed his 7th day of Chest radiation. He has handled the treatment pretty well so far. He gets very fatigued very quickly but his nausea has been relatively limited. He will have four more rounds of chest radiation next week ending on Thursday. Monday and Tuesday will be very long and emotional days. He will have his regular radiation and his final rounds of chemo treatments prior to entering the hospital on July 16. He will also be undergoing all sorts of tests and scans in order to make the final evaluations and baselines prior to the transplant. Robin and I will also be having our final preparatory meetings with the doctors. We will be learning the final details plus learning the hard truths about all that can go wrong and signing off on the treatment.

The days are getting longer. The pressure is steadily and slowly building almost imperceptibly. He is becoming more anxious and we are growing steadily more tense. However, the pressures and strains of these past four years and recent days are a refining fire of our Lord. His grace is sufficient. We have recognized how our spiritual vitality as a family and home as wained over the past year. Our repentance has brought great renewal as the sweetness of His grace has been given and is continuing to be given in abundance.

Prayer Needs:
Andrew's Resilience both spiritual and physical
Andrew's body will continue to handle the radiation
The Doctor's and staff as they prepare.
Our Girls and their resilience and protection
Our logistical preparations
Our vehicles and travel safety
Carolina and Carthage Presbyterian Churches.

In Christ,
Perry McCall

HERE  is a link to Andrew's CaringBridge page.

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