Saturday, July 21, 2018

Prayer Report: Lord's Day 16

Andrew's first week in the Bone Marrow Unit is coming to a close. It is Saturday afternoon July 21 and he has been sleeping for awhile now. He completed 8 rounds of full body radiation in four days (Tuesday-Friday). They would take him down around 6:30 every morning and then get him for another round at about 1:30 in the afternoon. He would be strapped in his chair some 40+ minutes each time. He began a three day regimen of very high doses of aggressive chemo therapy today. The effects of the chemo have been almost immediate. Fatigue and nausea have been the order of the day but mostly he has just not been feeling well. He will complete his chemo on Monday and will have a rest day on Tuesday. His bone marrow transplant will be on Wednesday July 25.

 We want to be praying for his bone marrow donor  during these days as well.  He has already undergone blood tests and work ups for Andrew. He has had to arrange for personal time to go to the hospital. Answer all types of questions and offer himself up for medical testing. Now, he is preparing to be put to sleep for a surgical procedure to remove some of his bone marrow so that Andrew may have a chance to live. It everyday terms this means they are about to shove a pretty significant needle into the back of his pelvic bone to withdraw his marrow. Andrew has had seemingly countless numbers of these bone marrow tests over the past four years. The entry point of the needle leaves a mark. He has what look like holes all over the back pelvic portion of his back.
He is now entering the days that his immune system is going to start dropping rapidly. He probably is not going to feel good or like himself again for a few weeks. He is entering a time when he will be under a "High Risk" of infection as well as other conditions relating the transplant. All of these conditions can be fatal.

His spirits are genuinely up. The Cards hanging 18 runs on the Cubs definitely helped his feelings. He is bonding with his new nurses as well as missing his 3C nurses. He has loved all of his nurses visiting and the gifts they bring.

Thank you for your prayers. Pray for his stamina and protection. Pray for the procedure and logistics of collecting and delivering the bone marrow. Pray for our family. Pray for wisdom and a swiftness  of mind and talent for all of his doctors and nurses. Pray for healing and longterm survival.

In Christ,
Perry McCall

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